We are delighted not only to have attended Circularity Days 2024 this week, but also to have presented our DIONA project to an audience interested in sustainability. Not only we were represented at our stand, but also some of our joint projects from MobilKreis: Sven Winter and Lars Arnemann from Dinapro (https://www.dinapro.de/) showed the live carbon footprinting of their 3D printer. Philipp Blanke, Aileen Blondrath and Marc-André Weismüller from Autopilot had brought along part of a production cell for an e-bike gearbox as a loanable and therefore more sustainable resource. Julia Brandt and Ralf Tesch from Ecohub (https://www.ecohub.zone/) gave us an insight into their platform for managing sustainability data. Many thanks for your interesting contributions!