Digital ecosystem for a sustainable circular economy in the automotive industry


About the project


The so-called "Earth Overshoot Day" shifts further and further towards the beginning of the year from year to year. It marks the day on which the natural resources of a year have been used up by mankind. The car as the main means of transportation and the associated (supplier) industry make a decisive contribution to this. It therefore seems necessary - also in the course of a transformation towards e-mobility - to understand products and production processes holistically and to share the knowledge gained in this way.

In particular, the adaptation of a circular economy approach, i.e. a holistic product life cycle approach, is explicitly part of the European and German sustainability strategy and promises to reduce both the demand for raw materials and CO2 emissions while promoting jobs and economic growth. However, the status quo shows that many companies are not in a position to benefit from these advances in sustainable value streams. The research shows that there is a lack of guidelines and methods for establishing sustainability in industrial activities, even though sustainability has a major impact on ecology, economy and society.

The project "Digital ecosystem for a sustainable circular economy in the automotive industry". DIONA therefore serves to jointly develop sustainability measures in order to gain a holistic understanding of the opportunities and challenges of the circular economy. For future sustainable development, it is important to identify best practices in the automotive industry as well as socio-political incentives and obstacles.


Goals of the DIONA project

Building on existing experience and findings, DIONA aims to establish a so-called MobilKreis Digital Hub for circular value creation. As a result, the MobilKreis Digital Hub will act as a contact point and innovation center for relevant stakeholders (science, business, associations, social partners, committees, etc.) and promote interdisciplinary cooperation.

With a clear focus on circular value creation in the automotive industry, the project aims to synthesize key findings from the joint projects funded as part of the "MobilKreis" announcement in order to make application-oriented methods and tools available in companies. The aim is to take a holistic approach consisting of the four work areas "Design fields of the circular economy", "Transfer, networking and MobilKreis digital hub", "Toolkits for the circular economy" and "Cyber-physical laboratories".


LOGO Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Project start: October 01, 2022
Duration: 36 months
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Funding reference: 02J21E200
Funding volume: approx. € 3 million


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Contact persons

Logo Technische Universitaet Dortmund

TU Dortmund

Industrial Information Management

Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 2-4 

44227 Dortmund

TU Dortmund

IT in Production and Logistics

Leonhard-Euler-Str. 5

44227 Dortmund

Sozialforschungsstelle, TU Dortmund

Sociology of Technology

Evinger Platz 17

44339 Dortmund

LOGO Technische Universität Chemnitz

TU Chemnitz

Business Informatics Business Process Management

Thüringer Weg 7

09126 Chemnitz

TU Chemnitz

Alternative vehicle drives

Reichenhainer Str. 70

09126 Chemnitz

LOGO Frauenhofer ISST


Fraunhofer Institut ISST

Emil-Figge-Str. 91

44227 Dortmund

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